Subsecretaría de Planeación Sectorial

Encuestra Satisfacción Capacitaciones RIPS

Día que asistió a la capacitación 17 de Marzo de 2015 (Prestadores Independientes)
La capacitación cumplió con sus expectativas? SI
En caso que su respuesta sea "NO" describa el por qué
Executive Functions Coach helps students with executive function disorder. We teach essential executive functions skills that are important in problem-solving, expressing/controlling emotions, task initiation, and task completion. Training executive functions skills will ensure that the brain is able to keep track of projects and stay on track!Executive functions skills can be critical in today’s virtual learning environment Sign up for an Executive Functions Coach now!Building executive functions skills in the brain is a lot like working out. We work with each family through our virtual learning academy to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Here is the step by step breakdown of our virtual learning academy for building executive functions skills.
Evalúe a nivel general el dominio del tema por parte de los expositores Bueno
¿El manejo del tiempo fue adecuado? Bueno
Evalúe el uso de recursos audiovisuales Bueno
Aspectos a mejorar Contenido
En caso que su respuesta sea "Otro", especifique cual
Executive Functions Coach helps students with executive function disorder. We teach essential executive functions skills that are important in problem-solving, expressing/controlling emotions, task initiation, and task completion. Training executive functions skills will ensure that the brain is able to keep track of projects and stay on track!Executive functions skills can be critical in today’s virtual learning environment Sign up for an Executive Functions Coach now!Building executive functions skills in the brain is a lot like working out. We work with each family through our virtual learning academy to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Here is the step by step breakdown of our virtual learning academy for building executive functions skills.